Find vision templates that can help your organization focus on company or product direction and goals.

Understanding your direction and future goals is essential – after all, this road-map planning builds the vision needed to make these goals a reality. Whether you are planning a new project or reinforcing your brand, vision planning templates are useful ways to stay focused during your planning sessions and produce a well-thought out statement of objectives to move you forward. In this article, we’ll share several templates from top-rated whiteboard tools Miro and Mural to help. Reach out for advanced help with a vision or mission statement training workshop to engage others in collaboratively creating a vision. 

1. Company Vision Workshop – Miro

This template from Miro is a great place to start if you are working on developing an overarching, tangible company or organization-wide vision. The template forces your team to ask critical questions like: “who are we?”, “what do we do?”, and “why do we do it?” By the end of the session, not only should your team walk away with a solid understanding of the organization but also a game plan on how to achieve the organization’s mission and goals. 

2. Vision, Focus Areas & Objectives – Miro

This template is designed to be used at the end of each quarter as a way to gather your team together and align on focus areas and objectives in the upcoming months. It’s simple to use and comes with an instructional guide and video for the facilitator.

3. Vision Cone – Miro

This Miro template is designed to break down overall visions and divide them into smaller, feasible steps to help achieve those goals. The cone reinforces the connection between the past and the development future, making way for valuable insights to innovate better.

4. Product Vision Canvas – Miro

Working on a new product or feature? This template may be for you! The workshop outlined here will help you progress through 9 prompts, starting with defining a problem statement to understanding the voice of the customer and writing a product vision statement.

5. Product Vision Cue – Miro

Another product launch template from Miro that can help teams detail the specifics of any product and establish a data-driven approach to its development and launch.

6. Improv Vision Board – MURAL

This MURAL template is a quicker, more creative approach to mission statements and vision planning. Use this template to help your team develop a vision that inspires and aligns them to greater goals or direction.

7. Quarterly Business Review – MURAL

Use this template to document a series of goals for your organization during quarterly or regular business review processes.

8. Vision Mission Strategy Values Pyramid Template – MURAL

Using a familiar pyramid shape setup, this MURAL template is centered around outlining values, strategies, mission, and vision. Enlist your leadership team in the development process for these critical, organizational-defining ideas and bring this clarity downward to every aspect of the organization.

9. Vision Storyboard – MURAL

Our last vision template on this list features a storyboard exercise that guides teams to create and analyze scenarios of product/service development. The outcome is a board that can be used to validate concepts, pitch ideas, and derive future needs and requirements for development.

Vision Templates Conclusion

Miro and MURAL can be useful places to find templates and other design thinking and innovation resources to help your organization achieve its goals. Need more custom help? Click to see our design thinking training or innovation workshops which can be done for teams and organizations.

Looking for more resources and guides? Review these other relevant articles on our blog.