Best Strategy Blog in 2015

The best read strategy blog in 2015 was the blog from 1 February 2015 about “Sustainability driving innovation“. I personally like this blog the most as well, as it supports the evidence that sustainability strategies stimulate innovation, beacuse sustainability needs new knowledge and capabilities. It also shows why sustainability is a great strategy. I used this phrase as the title for what appeared to be the best blog in 2014, but more importantly it appears that innovation for sustainability leads to a better business performance especially when it is a deliberate and voluntary strategy.

In addition to the best read blog in 2015 it is worth to mention an upcoming article in the January 2016 edition of the Journal of Cleaner Production. This article provides a strategy framework for entrepreneurs to collectively build a more favourable environment for their sustainable innovations (see fig 1).


The model points out that entrepreneurs can create together a more favourable environment by strategically working together on technology optimization and development, market creation and socio cultural changes, but also by coordinating these activities.

The model has been applied successfully in a case study in the Dutch smart grid field.

The blog “Sustainability driving innovation” was the best strategy blog in 2015, which showed that deliberate innovation for sustainability leads to a better business performance. To become more successful it is possible to strategically work together to build a more favourable environment for sustainable innovations.

Norbert Bol, wishing you a healthy and succesful 2016!


Planko, J., Cramer, J. M., Chappin, M. M., & Hekkert, M. P. (2016). Strategic collective system building to commercialize sustainability innovations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 2328-2341.
Best Blog 2015: Sustainability driving innovation, click here
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