Foundation for a High Performance Culture

One of the most fundamental foundations of a culture that enables high performance is a sense of belonging amongst the people who are part of that culture.

This sense of belonging takes root when we trust our colleagues enough to show up as who we are, with all our strengths and faults.

This sense of belonging takes root when the arguments and debates are about ideas and their merits and not about people and their beliefs.

This sense of belonging takes root when the people know and trust their leaders to have their best interest in mind.

This sense of belonging takes root when the team doesn’t just meet and work together but also eats, plays, cries, fights and laughs together.

This sense of belonging takes root when the team has a clear idea about what is expected of them and the constraints under which to achieve them.

This sense of belonging takes root, when the team has the confidence that they can exceed the expectations with the resources and resourcefulness of the team members.

And they know what they don’t have, they can learn or bring someone who does have the skill or resources that they need to exceed the expectations from them.

The responsibility of creating this belongingness is not just the responsibility of the leader but also lies with every single member of the team.

However, as with everything else the success belongs to the team and the failure belongs to the leader.