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Replacing the Boss at Apple & Yahoo: A Tale of Two Tims

Updated Oct 3, 2011, 07:21pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Replacing the boss in any  organization is more often than not a source of great anxiety for all stakeholders involved. And, in fact, the "bigger" the boss -- the more visible, more iconic (or even the more  iconoclastic) -- the greater the risks envisioned.  Over the past few weeks, we've seen two high-profile Silicon Valley CEOs leave office (one by choice and one involuntarily) --at Apple and at Yahoo -- and both will be succeeded by a "Tim": Tim Cook in Apple's case, and Timothy Morse for Yahoo. Which Tim would you want to be?

While becoming the CEO of any big-name company is probably more than most of us can hope for, if we are honest there are CEO opportunities that we would all love to have a chance at, and others that most of us would instinctively shy away from.  Apple is at a magic moment in its history in terms both of market valuation and market dominance, yet would you really want to replace Steve? Yahoo, on the other hand, has gone through of prolonged period of being "beaten-up" and is still struggling, with open questions about its future survivability constantly being bandied about. Given their respective situations, which is the more attractive job-offer: Apple or Yahoo?

Then, there is the matter of preparation: am I ready for this job? Tim Cook has worked at Apple for more than thirteen years, has been Apple's COO for more than four years, and has been seen as an intimate collaborator with Steve Jobs during that period. He has streamlined manufacturing and supply-chain for the organization and, in addition, he has actually had time in the job through interim CEO roles during Jobs several medical absences. Tim Morse, on the other hand,  has been at Yahoo for only two years, as the CFO [and you know what that usually  means in terms of innovative mindset!], but has received "high-marks" for the way that he has "fixed Yahoo's cost structure." While, at the moment, he has not actually been given the CEO's position, instead being named "interim" replacement for the controversial Carol Bartz, there are many circumstances which could make him the preferred choice for the permanent appointment.  So, there are enough significant differences between both the "opportunities" and the candidates to make this an interesting choice. If it were you, which position would you rather take?

In talking to a variety of executives over the past few days about these two replacements, it's clear that there are big differences in their perceptions of the relative attractiveness of the two jobs. Tim Cook faces trying to replace the irreplaceable; a boss who has been styled as a "magician" rather than a "genius" ["genius" being something that many of us could aspire to if only we could somehow become smarter, while magician is simply not in our destiny, smarter or not], but he has a great team in place: starting with his design leader Jonathan Ive (of whom it was said that "he shared a brain with Steve Jobs"), product marketing head Philip Schiller, mobile operating system head Scott Forstall, and internet services head Eddy Cue. These are all well-known, experienced, colleagues who have been long-term contributors to Apple's success. Morse, on the other hand, does not enjoy such a "bench" of highly-visible, "all-star" contributors [in one case, the Yahoo organization has been characterized as "fossilized"], yet, to be fair,  he is also not expected to be a "magician." Yahoo's problems are well-known and coming up with a miracle is probably not in the job description of the next Yahoo CEO; instead, any improvement would be welcome! Yet, there are possibly some amazing opportunities here --"Yahoo, despite having as many users as Facebook, is worth just 1/20 of Facebook, despite being profitable and having higher revenues" -- if only the right leadership can be engaged.

My experience is that it is not easy to replace a "legendary" leader. As one European executive put it: "You don't want to be the fellow who replaces [long-time Manchester United manager] Alex Ferguson. You want to be the one who replaces the fellow who replaced Alex Ferguson!" But, after all, Joe Girardi took over the New York Yankees, following the legendary Joe Torre's abrupt departure, and one year later returned the team to the World Series championship, so it can be done! Steve Ballmer replaced Bill Gates, and Jeffrey Immelt replaced Jack Welch, and both have stayed in the CEO position for a substantial amount of time, despite the magnitude of the replacement challenges that they faced. Michael Dell's replacement, on the other hand, was less successful. For a lot of reasons, however, including: high expectations to continue a highly successful organization's performance, and the inevitable comparisons with someone whose performance &/or style have become metrics of accomplishment &/or leadership stature, what this all probably means is that taking over an Apple is a lot more risky than taking over Yahoo. Yet, on the other hand, who wouldn't want to give it a try?


Bill Fischer’s latest book is The Idea Hunter (co-authored with Andy Boynton) (Jossey-Bass, 2011).

Bill Fischer can be followed on Twitter @bill_fischer