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The Power of Diversity: Innovation In A Song

Updated Nov 28, 2012, 03:59pm EST
This article is more than 10 years old.

The next time someone questions the value of diversity, tell’em to go whistle up a tune;  Autumn in New York  [AiNY] to be specific.  This rather modest “jazz standard” is a microcosm of how diversity adds to the creativity of a society.

Composed in 1934, by a Russian (now he would be a Belarussian), who was a descendant of Georgian royalty -- Vladimir Dukelsky -- for the Broadway play Thumbs Up!, AiNY began life with a rich multicultural pedigree. Dukelsky was inspired to compose “Broadway-type” music when he first heard George Gershwin’s  Swanee, during a sojourn in Istanbul; later he was hired by the ballet impressario Sergei Diaghilev to compose music for the Ballet Russe [Diaghilev once lived in the building that is now IMD, the school where I am on the faculty].  It was Gershwin, in fact, who convinced Dukelsky to anglicize his name to Vernon Duke, presumably to mislead those who were against giving diversity a chance, and in turn the new Mr. Duke was “hooked on George himself, with his bubbling curiosity and the sense that he gave of infinite possibility;”[1] two characteristics that are consistently associated with great innovation leadership. Through the Gershwin connection, Duke also teamed with others, among then George’s brother Ira, to write a number of important songs, including “April in Paris,” in 1933, which is notable from an innovation perspective because the resonance between “April in Paris” and “Autumn in New York” is close enough to suggest a “formula” at work, if not direct IP transfusion!

Here’s what you tell your diversity-sceptical friend:  listen to any selection from the  compilation of 28 different tracks of Vernon Duke’s classic hymn to NYC listed below and then tell us why diversity is not an important contributor to the power of innovation?

Have them start, for example, with the late Canadian pianist Oscar Peterson, who accompanied almost anyone who was anyone in the jazz world, but who rarely sang, himself. His treatment of AiNY, however, is languid and lush and fooled my wife into thinking it was Nat King Cole. Recorded in 1953 by his familiar all-star trio, the song is beautiful, the pace luxurious, and the scenery that it conjures up is New York in the first full days of cold, with the leaves changing and the city settling-in for the end of the year.

Then, move directly to the Italian-American clairnettist Buddy DeFranco, also recorded in 1953, but completely different. DeFranco, who will always be a favorite of mine because  he  recognized that he could learn more by pairing up with someone [pianist Dodo Marmarosa] who had a facility for new ideas, which he thought that he lacked[2], plays with a faster tempo and clean, bright tones -- completely different from Peterson. He is backed-up in this case by another All-Star team of: Kenny Drew on piano; Milt Hinton on bass; and Art Blakey on drums. Innovation Lesson: Teams matter!

The incomparable Ella Fitzgerald leads off the third rendition of AiNY; very much in the same mood of Oscar Peterson, but she is quickly joined by the gravely voice of Louis Armstrong. The pace is slow, even halting at points, but Armstrong’s vibratoless trumpet playing -- clear, crisp, even spare, but still bright and metallic -- is a fast reminder of why he was the best of breed at this instrument.  The comparison with the fourth track, where a young, “cool” trumpet-player, Chet Baker, also plays without vibrato, but with a rounder, warmer sound, is illustrative of how two artists using the same instrument can interpret the same music differently.

Who better to sing rendition five than the Chairman of the Board,  Frank Sinatra? Slower than Baker’s version, but faster than Peterson’s/Fitzgerald’s, Sinatra’s phrasing is perfect! Then,  we are confronted with lush strings, followed quickly by the warm, rich, round, yet complex notes of Charlie Parker, perhaps the most influential saxophonist of the 20th century. While arguably  not a real demonstration of “Parkerseque”  virtuosity, it,  nonetheless, takes the listener on a journey through the song that is completely different from anything that we’ve heard before; constantly probing our listening capabilities and pulling us in ever-deeper.

Mel Tormé, who despised the appellation “the velvet fog”, is up next, and for the first time we hear the prelude that Duke had originally intended but which all too often gets left out in the interest of simplicity. Tormé reinserts the original components,  stretches-out the words and slows down the tempo, again drawing us in, but in a very different way than Parker’s saxophone did.

Swing-band leader Tommy Dorsey, who gave Sinatra his start, leads the eighth rendition with a meandering, almost oriental, tempo, each phrasing revealing yet another facet of his orchestra.  You can feel the horsepower and reserves of his band, and the possibilities of surprise that such resources allow in this very lush treatment of the song.

Sarah Vaughn does version nine: rich, mellow, but a bit up-tempo, backed-up by a lush string section; to be followed in track Clifford Brown, maybe “the” most promising of a long-line of trumpet players who emerged in the fifties. Brown’s rendition is clear, clean, and remains faithful to the original tempo, while straining impatiently at what could be. Jo Stafford offers what is probably the most “familiar” of the offerings, while Stan Kenton and his orchestra take us in directions and with horsepower that no one else even flirts with. Somewhat paradoxically, the late Bobby Short follows single-handledly, but at no discernible  disadvantage.

Harry Connick Jr. played an uptempo fast-paced version on the piano in When Harry Met Sally, and the incomparable Billie Holiday gave the song her own unique treatment, carefully enunciating each word in her own special way. Tal Fallow offers up a lovely, somewhat baroque,  guitar treatment, while  Ernestine Anderson slows everything down so that, even with an orchestra behind her, she comes across as singing directly to you and I. The richness of Milt Jackson’s vibraphone in the Modern Jazz Quartet’s version is an absolutely different sound from anything we've heard up until this point, while Arthur Godfrey’s “Little Godfreys” sound like we’re back in the 1950s watching it all in B&W, direct from Waikiki.

Kenny Dorham’s saxophone reminds us of the power of horns in interpreting this type of tune, much as Dexter Gordon does, but the two are completely different, as well – same instruments, but different talents turn this into two fundamentally different experiences. Bud Powell’s piano explorations remind us of AiNY in the midst of a whole lot of other things going on as well. Johnny Hodges, who got his start with Duke Ellington’s band, plays a surprisingly simple arrangement with a wonderful piano accompaniment, while pianist Teddy Wilson (who became, "perhaps the first well-known black musician to play publicly in a racially integrated group" with Benny Goodman) provides  a delightfully up-tempo version; while Barbara Carroll’s approach is very much a locked-hand driving style, interspersed with incredible delicacy.

Finally,  Yehudi Menuhin takes us immediately into the majesty of the classical violin,  while his joint-venture partner, Stefan Grapelli, can barely be restrained after the opening verses and breaks into full-fledged jazz excitement that only serves to compliment Menuhin’s very different beginning; two different sounds for the price of one!

One song, and yet so many interpretations. Not a one that’s even close to being similar to another!  That’s diversity, and that’s why it works so powerfully for innovation. If you’re not making  a conscious and explicit effort to get new view points, opinions and interpretations into your innovation discussions, then you’re in effect choosing to listen to only one of these selections: why would anyone ever want to do that?

[1] Wilfrid Sheed, The House that George Built, New York: Random House, 2007; p. 43.

[2] We cite Buddy DeFranco’s idea-hunting philosophy in Andy Boynton & Bill Fischer, The Idea Hunter, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2011.


Bill Fischer is the co-author (with Andy Boynton & Bill Bole) of The Idea Hunter (Jossey-Bass, 2011).
Bill Fischer can be followed on Twitter at @bill_fischer