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Piloting Into the Future: Solar Impulse

Updated Jul 5, 2013, 12:56am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

The future has often been built by those who are  a bit out ahead of the rest of us; not afraid to dream, and perseverant enough to ensure that their dreams are realized. In the process, we all move forward as well. This is how change occurs, and this has been particularly well-illustrated in the accomplishment of man's dreams of flying, as seen in the successes of such larger than life characters as: the Wright brothers; Billy Mitchell; Eddie Rickenbacker; Frenchman Louis Blériot (1872-1936, who was the first to successfully fly across the English Channel); Glenn Curtiss (who organized America's first aircraft company); Amelia Earhart;  air power advocate Billy Mitchell;  and Chuck Yeager, etc. etc..  Now, once again, the future of aviation is about to experience what could be yet another big step into the future, as the Solar Impulse aircraft completes the final leg in its journey across America, by flying from Washington, D.C. to New York, relying upon solar-powered energy for fuel, and leaving no pollution in the atmosphere as a result.

It was the science fiction writer, William Gibson, who famously observed that: “The future is already here, it is just not evenly distributed.”   And, in this case, the future represented by Solar Impulse is one of reduced fossil fuel dependency, and reduced environmental pollution, without necessarily sacrificing one of the prime offenders of both of those challenges: air travel. Not a bad future to consider! The project’s tag-line, in fact, is “perpetual flight.” Not a bad dream to imagine, either!

Solar impulse is a single-person aircraft that depends entirely upon solar energy for power. It employs no fossil fuel power once it is up in the air. As a result, the aircraft is a platform for technological innovation: structurally, it marks the first time mass-produceable carbon fiber composites are being used, along with ultra-light thin ply technology. The high-efficiency (22.7%) solar cells are the thickness of a human hair, and the LED landing lights were designed with the assistance of Swiss watchmaker Omega.  “Intelligent fibers” stabilize the pilot’s body temperature,  and personalized diets have been developed by Nestlé Health Science to ensure pilot nutrition.  In fact, the list of innovations seems endless, and underscores the technical complexity of creating, constructing and flying an aircraft with “the wingspan of a jumbo jet (63.4 m/ ~208 ft),  the weight of a car (1600 kg/ ~3527 lbs.) and the average power of a scooter over  24 hours.” Just a few weeks ago, in fact, a Brazilian aviation official told me of how he and his colleagues were monitoring the Solar Impulse experience, confident that there were glimpses into the future of flying to be gained by studying the lessons of this venture.

But, innovation does not simply stop with the technology, big dreams require attention to small details if they are to succeed, and this requires innovative organizational skills as well. It is in the mastery of these details that we catch a glimpse of another future: that of talent-fueled,  agile, project-oriented organizations heading  into the unknown, piloted by leaders who are pursuing dreams that inspire the assembled talent to out-perform, and who create organizational settings to make this likely.  The Solar Impulse project is a vivid illustration of how innovation is made possible when a great dream meets a great team, and, as with all such situations, there is much to learn from Solar Impulse’s leadership challenges that have enabled the achievement of its revolutionary technical performance. Recently, I had the chance to speak with project-initiator, pilot and Chairman Bertrand Piccard about what it has been like to be the leader of the Solar Impulse adventure. His reflections provide us with leadership lessons from Solar Impulse that are valuable for the rest of us who are not flying across America, or in 2015 around the world. Bertrand is not only a seasoned fixed-wing and balloon pilot, and visionary project leader, but he is, by education and profession, a Medical Doctor in Psychiatry.  Consequently, he has an unusual ability to be analytically reflective about his leadership experiences.

Questions in bold; Bertrand’s responses in italics; my added observations from our conversations both present and past in plain text.

Q:  What have been your biggest leadership learnings from the Solar Impulse project?

Bertrand Piccard: “To operate in a completely unknown environment, you have to be at the right [strategic] level, and adjust quickly to be successful.”

As the project leader and pilot in command for the Breitling Orbiter project, which was man’s first non-stop circumnavigation of the planet by balloon (1999), Bertrand often used the metaphor of adjusting altitude to catch the right winds. In the quote above, when he refers “the right strategic level”  I believe that it is in the spirit of this metaphor. Balloon pilots are not completely captains of their own destiny, as all they can do in the way of steering is to adjust altitude. For managers, this often requires shedding of old practices and habits that restrict an organization’s ability to rise to the right level to pilot-on. This same ability is critical to any project’s success when you are piloting into the unknown.

Bertrand Piccard: We have often spoken during the Solar Impulse project of being able to create opportunity out of crisis.  When the wing spar of our second airplane broke  [the wing spar is the backbone of Solar Impulse’s structure] during load-testing, in July, 2012, it gave us the opportunity to fly the existing plane across the United States, something that we had originally wanted to do both for the symbolism of aviation history, as well as for the promotion of our message, but which we didn’t think we had time to schedule. Now, with the setback of the wing spar breaking, there was an unexpected opportunity to do the Across America trip,  but one that came with extremely short notice (3 months for major scheduling departure), and which required that we quickly needed to adjust to unforeseen weather conditions, airport choices, and completely new government regulations and regulators.  We had little time to adjust, but what we learned was that with a “good project, good intentions and good luck” we were able to take advantage of bad luck with the wing spar and turn it into good luck for additional practice and media exposure.

Q: How does decision-making and leadership change under such conditions?

Bertrand Piccard: Decision making is more difficult with this project than with the Breitling Orbiter, as we have a much bigger team. In fact, we have teams for everything: 45 people in the U.S., on-site traveling with the aircraft, and 50 back home in Switzerland. By necessity, it has become a much more decentralized organization, but, thanks to the quality of the people that we have, there is not much need for direct supervision.

Along with the greater complexity comes the realization that my own personal wishes, as project leader/conceptualizer, are no longer first priority!  For example, in our flight segment between Phoenix and Dallas-Ft. Worth, I had to let my project partner, Solar Impulse CEO and co-founder André Borschberg, make the flight, as his experience as a former jet fighter pilot gave us a better chance to keep on schedule despite the weather challenges. I withdrew in deference to his skills; this was new for me! I’ve learned that with a project this complex, and with a team this talented, it is necessary for me to put the project’s objectives higher than my own personal wishes. 

We have also relied a lot upon prototyping to help us make better decisions. We’ve had eight years of virtual flights on simulators to choose routes and timings for the flights – although we had far less planning for the Across America flight, as this was unexpected.

Q: What about the project team?

We have a big team of very smart people, who are very experienced in a variety of different fields; many not in aviation! The man who built our carbon fiber structural elements, for example, owns a shipyard, and built parts of the America’s Cup winning yacht Alinghi.

Our team selection criteria  is based upon what we call “threshold of anxiety.” If a candidate’s threshold is too low, the slightest problem will make them anxious, and in this project everything is being challenged, all of the time; we live in complete unpredictability, so individuals with such low thresholds would never work out.

We have a rather young team, yet  the main leaders are above 50 years of age. I see this as technological virtuosity coupled with seasoned experience – formal knowledge plus tacit knowledge.

In fact, the way that knowledge is managed has been a hallmark of Bertrand’s projects. One of the ”Virtuoso Team” characteristics of the Breitling Orbiter team was the hiring of two weathermen, with conflicting views, in order to see if through their confrontations 1+1 could equal 3? It worked so well in that project that it gave Bertrand a real edge over other teams in thinking about the weather, and Bertrand mentioned that they again have two weathermen for the Solar Impulse project, who, while maybe not as dramatically different as before, still offer the potential to gain different opinions rather than relying upon the knowledge and insights of only one expert.  The project’s web-site makes notice of the virtues of complementarity of diverse skills and attitudes, when it notes that Bertrand Piccard’s avant-gardist vision and and co-founder and CEO André Borschberg’s  entrepreneurial and managerial experience are an ideal [project leadership] combination. Once again we see an example of how 1+1 can = 3.

 Q: I’ve recently written about the need for big dreams in big innovation projects, could you tell us about the dream for this project?

 Bertrand Piccard: The Breitling Orbiter project was my personal dream: to achieve something that no one else had ever achieved.  With Solar Impulse, the dream is more than just mine. What comes out of this project in terms of clean technologies, renewable energy and innovation will be useful to everyone.  It is also about creating technical solutions that not only protect our environment but also create jobs and new products for businesses. On the project website, Bertrand is quoted as saying; “Our airplane is not designed to carry passengers, but to carry messages.” The big message is about the environment and fossil fuel dependency, but there is a very subtle message in the background about what human ingenuity can achieve when organized in a way that promotes talent rather than diminish it.

Q:  Your solo-piloted flights are reminiscent of Charles Lindberg’s 1927 solo flight across the Atlantic in the “Spirit of St. Louis.” Lindberg flew under extremely cramped conditions in order to carry sufficient fuel to make it across. No one would have ever guessed that fifty years after his success 747s would be carrying hundreds of people on even longer routes. Today, Solar Impulse resembles Lindberg’s plane with the cramped cockpit that you have spent hours in alone. Do you foresee a similar future for solar-powered aviation as fossil-fuel powered aircraft have enjoyed?

Bertrand Piccard: “I’d be crazy to answer “yes”, and stupid to answer “no.” With today’s technology, of course not, but we’re only just beginning, and this project is all about pioneering. Industry will eventually join us and then the developments will be quite different than what we’ve experienced.  


After we've crossed America, in 2015, the plan is to go around the world in stages, powering-up with the sun’s rays in the daylight, and flying again, as now, overnight on batteries. This is an amazing project, originating in tiny Switzerland, yet with benefits for greater mankind. It is also a leadership laboratory that is playing-out on the world stage in real time. We all face great uncertainties going into the future – we are all pilots trying to cross unmarked expanses, with poor maps --  and my belief is that we need to rely more upon project-based talent and decentralization in order to both fully employ the talent that we can assemble  and to be agile at the same time, in order to complete our missions successfully. This is also Bertrand’s challenge as well.  I urge you all to follow it on  And, of course, I wish Bertrand Piccard and his colleagues the best of good fortune in the adventure ahead.


Bill Fischer is the co-author of  Reinventing Giants (with Umberto Lago & Fang Liu) (Jossey-Bass), as well as The Idea Hunter (with Andy Boynton & Bill Bole)  (Jossey-Bass, 2011) and Virtuoso Teams (with Andy Boynton, FT/Prentice Hall, 2005)).  Bill Fischer can be followed on Twitter at @bill_fischer