Post Blessed Chanukah, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Storm-Sun on the Dock.JPG

This isn’t your typical Chanukah/Christmas/New Year’s picture - no snow, no wreaths or twinkling lights. For many of us, it represents the past year - storm clouds and sun - sometimes for days or months in a row, sometimes in the same day. We are so richly blessed! For most of us, no matter how stormy, or for how long, the sun always rises, we get a new day, another chance, we want for nothing and we have people who love us.

I pray for this season, for 2019 and beyond, that we all may be a blessing to others, that we may spread joy - to those we work with, to the person behind the checkout counter, the voice at the other end of the help line, the person waiting til it’s clear for 2 miles before making a left-hand turn, and of course to those we hold dearest.

May you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and a joyful, healthy, full 2019!
