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The Latest Trends in Smart Kitchens and Bathrooms

Photo: Courtesy of Clayton on Unsplash

Multiple studies have shown that connected living will continue to gain momentum over the next several years.

According to studies done by the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), as homeowners spend more time at home, they will have a greater desire to invest in their home in the upcoming years. This includes integrated home technology.

Smart kitchens and bathrooms have been on the rise for the past several years. However, whole-home technology is predicted to increase in both spaces. Top priorities in the kitchen include dedicated device charging and viewing, seamless video communication, emergency power for the refrigerator, leak detection, voice-activated lighting controls and touch-free faucets.

Meanwhile, top bathroom priorities include mirrors with integrated internet access and displays to stream programming or check email, vanities with integrated electrical outlets, smart controls for floor and shower temperature, water conservation, motion-sensor lighting, hands-free faucets, and leak-detection sensors with mobile alerts. Among the designers surveyed in an NKBA report, 68 percent said bidets and/or smart toilets were the hottest new bathroom addition.

Needs for connected living include things like human interaction, information access, and a connection with nature. Collectively all of these features make the lives of homeowners more efficient, convenient, and safe.

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