January, 2019

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If You Want To Change The World, You Need To Start With Small Groups, Loosely Connected But United By A Shared Purpose

Digital Tonto

Where most movements for change go wrong is that they try to overpower rather than to attract Related posts: If You Want To Change The World, You Need To Start With A Keystone Change. How Successful. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]].

Change 100
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Generational Shift: Is There Room for Business Conduct to Evolve?

Innovators Alliance

*This article was originally circulated in a Candido Consulting Group newsletter. I heard a news story the other morning about some companies that are finding creative incentives to encourage loyalty among employees, such as month-long sabbaticals, flex-time, or even paid house-cleaning every two weeks. The gist being that millennials’ preferences and lack of loyalty is driving the need to change how employers compensate and reward this generation in order to slow down the revolving door.

Culture 84

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It's past time to reintroduce risk into corporations

Jeffrey Phillips

I was on a conference call recently, discussing an upcoming keynote that I'll deliver to a academic-federal government program meant to accelerate new technologies from basic research into the market. We were talking about the "ecosystem" of contributors that can help move basic research from academia and research labs to market. One participant talked about the role that large corporations could play, and sometimes do play, in commercializing new technologies.

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How to Build a Company Culture That Promotes Innovation


Your innovation strategy should be as unique as your employees. Fundamental to any form of innovation in any company is the voices of employees. Your employees know your company, product, and customer base better than anyone else in the world, but getting them to discuss what they’ve learned can be a challenge. How can companies create a workplace that encourages everyone to speak up?

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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Why innovation leaders should invest in collaboration in 2019


Leadership is undoubtedly a critical piece of the business innovation puzzle. In fact, a recent study showed that the highest performing companies centralise their innovation strategy in upper management, meaning it is often those at C-level who push for innovation within a company. But being a great leader isn’t enough if you hope to succeed in the coming year.

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Deliberately Look in a Different Direction

Destination Innovation

Until 1954 there was only one television channel in the UK. It was the publicly owned BBC. In that year the government auctioned licences for commercial TV stations. These would be regional operations which could offer advertising on TV for the first time. Various companies were interested in this opportunity and they naturally focussed on the regions with the best demographics – it seemed natural that rich regions would generate more advertising revenue.

Marketing 207

More Trending

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The Tyranny of the Blank Page: How to get over writer’s block

Idea to Value

Why are blank pages so scary? Whether it is in the form of a book to be written, a presentation to be delivered, a song to be scribed or any other creative output. The sight of a blank page is enough to prevent many people from ever getting started. But why is this? While there is little research on the topic apart from a few books and academic assessments , we can piece together the puzzle through our understanding of how the mind finds and builds new ideas.

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What 2019 holds for innovation

Jeffrey Phillips

I wrote my obligatory look back at 2018 article on innovation recently, so it is natural that we should turn our attention to where innovation will take us in 2019. In the 2018 review I made some disparaging remarks about Apple, which may or may not have caused it to lose a tremendous amount of market capitalization. Or perhaps the stock was overvalued and Apple has become more interested in margin than in innovation.

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Top Innovation Conferences for 2019


Small presentation or giant hall, innovation conferences can sharpen your focus. Innovation is a constant process, and often it helps to take a day or two, step outside the boundaries of the problem you’re working on, and see how others innovate and refine their ideas. These five conferences will both refresh your sense of innovation and serve as a bit of educational fun at the same time.

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Lesson 5 from true innovation managers: promoting the initiative is essential


To mark Exago's 11th anniversary, we have put together our clients' pieces of wisdom to truly bring innovation together. This is lesson 5. The post Lesson 5 from true innovation managers: promoting the initiative is essential appeared first on Exago.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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Lateral Thinking in the Fight Against Crime. The Northern Bank Robbery Story.

Destination Innovation

On the night of Sunday 19 December 2004, two groups of armed men, masquerading as police officers, arrived at the homes of Christopher Ward and Kevin McMullan in Belfast. Both men were officials of the Northern Bank, one of the largest banks in Northern Ireland. Their families were taken hostage and the men were told to go into work as normal the next day.

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Materials Science May Be The Most Important Technology Of The Next Decade. Here’s Why:

Digital Tonto

A vast acceleration in our ability to create new, advanced materials will power industries from energy to manufacturing Related posts: Why Energy Storage May Be The Most Important Technology In The. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]].

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Why most innovation and creativity training are NOT designed to deliver results

Idea to Value

Check out the short video above to understand why most innovation and creativity trainers don’t actually care about the results for your business. This has been something that has bothered me for all of the years I have been in this industry. It is the difference between what counts as success for you and your business, and what counts as success for the facilitators which many companies bring in to “Do Innovation” or “Build team creativity” for a day.

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How to know when the old models don't work any more

Jeffrey Phillips

As Malcolm Gladwell and other business writers have found, it is entirely possible to write a compelling article around a rather obvious point, and still hold the reader's attention. As a case in point I draw your attention to this article - entitled Why Corporate Innovation is so Hard. This article was clearly written by a communications master, because it has an attractive title that seems to address an intractable problem (and suggest an answer) and is based on a premise that seems inescapabl

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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How HR Impacts Corporate Innovation


The right people make the difference in innovation. Human Resources is sometimes overlooked as a source of innovation. Yet, in many ways, it’s the wellspring of innovation; HR departments recruit, hire, train, and support the individual employees of an organization who will make up the innovative teams that drive your company forward. So how can your HR department help build a culture of innovation?

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Planbox Acquires Imaginatik Creating an Agile Innovation Powerhouse


Planbox, the pioneering provider of AI-Powered Agile Innovation Management software, and Imaginatik, the #1 ranked leader in Corporate Innovation Management according to Forrester Research, will join forces to seize on the innovation boom. Under the agreement, Planbox will acquire all of the assets of Imaginatik Plc (LON:IMTK) related to its Enterprise Innovation Management platform and global operations.

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Bad news does not Travel up the Hierarchy

Destination Innovation

Flight Crew of the Challenger. On January 28 1986 the NASA Space Shuttle, Challenger, broke apart shortly after take-off from Cape Canaveral. Five NASA astronauts and two civilian scientists were killed. The cause of this devastating accident was eventually traced to the failure of an O-ring seal in the right Solid Rocket Booster. Due to the cold weather, the O-ring didn’t seal tightly enough and it allowed hot gasses to escape and ignite.

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How IBM Sees The Future Of Artificial Intelligence

Digital Tonto

We're only at the beginning of the journey Related posts: 4 Ways Every Business Needs To Use Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence Needs Conversational Intelligence. Here’s Why: [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]].

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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What are the three things every idea needs to be successful? The balanced breakthrough model

Idea to Value

What are the three things which every idea needs to be successful? At Deloitte, we have found that in order for an idea to succeed, it needs to possess three key attributes. Together, these three criteria form what we call the Balanced Breakthrough model. The Balanced Breakthrough Model. the balanced breakthrough model. In order for an idea to become a successful innovation, it needs to validate the following three characteristics: Desirability: Is there demand for this idea?

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The interplay between digital transformation and innovation

Jeffrey Phillips

I've found that concepts like digital transformation are like eating honey. The stuff just kind of sticks to you long after you think the experience is over. As a person who has spent more than 15 years focused on corporate innovation, I find the rapid emergence of digital transformation interesting, and sometimes a bit troubling, as you may recall from a previous post.

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Why Fostering a Spirit of Curiosity Spurs Enterprise Innovation


Asking questions makes companies better. Curiosity is “a strong desire to learn or know something.” You’d think that would be highly prized in society and the workplace alike. However, in some cases, people don’t necessarily value curiosity. One person’s sincere desire to learn can be seen by another as a desire to pointlessly rock the boat, and as the waters of business become more complicated to navigate, there are many who’d rather shut the curious down.

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I Would Recommend Applying the Innovation Value Proposition

Paul Hobcraft

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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Trade Hubris for Humility


Salko ‘21, Kyra ‘20, Jake ‘20, me, Matt ‘18.5, Nate ‘19, John ‘21, Samanee ‘19. One of the reasons I love mentoring students is because it keeps me learning, exploring , questioning and challenging my beliefs – keeping me relevant and useful to the world (I hope!). So, I’m sharing part of a wonderful conversation with one of my #BlueLobsters (mentees), Salko, a second year at Brown (front left at the “we ate all the” sushi table) Salko Deb – a question that’s been on my mind recently: How do you

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Business Pundits Love To Say These 4 Things — None Of Them Are True

Digital Tonto

Anytime someone tells you there is a simple fix to a complex problem, you're probably being sold a fairy tale Related posts: Innovation “Gurus” Love To Talk About These 4 Myths — None Of Them Are. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]].

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Why Belgium is an innovation hotspot

Board of Innovation

Belgium is a high magnetic forcefield when it comes to attracting innovation talent. Innovation touches almost every sector of this small northern European country, from fashion technology, to the famed comic book movement, to the way we use the Internet of Things to process big data at speed at one of the largest ports of. Continue reading. The post Why Belgium is an innovation hotspot appeared first on Board of Innovation.

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Top 40 Innovation Bloggers of 2018

Innovation Excellence

After a week of torrid voting and much passionate support, along with a lot of gut-wrenching consideration and jostling during the judging round, I am proud to announce your Top 40 Innovation Bloggers of 2018: Tom Kouloupoulos Tom Koulopoulos is the author of 10 books and founder of the Delphi Group, a 25-year-old Boston-based.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Unleash the Power of Lateral Thinking for Inspired Innovation


Sometimes the key to solving a problem is ignoring the “rules.” IBM has famously made “THINK!” a command to drive innovation. However, it’s not just the act of thought that’s innovative, but how you think. Learning to think laterally can offer surprising and elegant solutions to even thorny problems. So how do you bring lateral thinking to your organization?

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8 Creative Thinking Questions & 1 More Idea for Focus in 2019


Were you bombarded with emails in the last week all about coming up with your special focus word, personal exploration, or individual success plan for the new year? EVERYONE seemed to be on the same program based on our anxiety about hitting the ground running with the simplest way to focus our attention throughout the year. One email even offered an automated word-of-the-year generator, just in case you are unable to imagine a word to shape the next 12 months.

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The What, Why and How of Trade Promotion Forecasting


Trade Promotions are a crucial part of the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry. They are highly instrumental in driving sales, creating brand visibility, awareness and loyalty. As per a research carried out by Nielsen Holdings, more than 40% of trade promotions carried out are ineffective and do not yield the intended results, furthermore, about 59% of trade promotions done do not even break-even.

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How Google Partners With The World’s Top Minds To Power Its Innovation Machine

Digital Tonto

It's a long-term game plan designed to establish deep relationships based on cutting edge science and embed that knowledge deeply into just about everything Google does Related posts: Google’s (not. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]].

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene