The 2018 Business Innovation Brief MVP Awards!

Business Innovation Brief brings together the best content from hundreds of industry thought-leaders. These awards will recognize the Most Valuable Posts as judged by our readers, award committee, and our machine intelligence and social media. We will recognize the posts that provide the highest value to industry professionals - useful and actionable information, that is tactical or strategic in nature, providing either long-term or short-term value.

Check out the 2018 MVP Awards Winner Spotlight:



Awards will be given for articles covering the following categories:

Audience Size

Every day, our articles are read by an audience of over 80,000 people on our site and newsletter. We use our machine intelligence and social media, bolstered by our editorial team, to curate this content.

But 2018 is coming to an end and we want to know: of all of our articles, which are the best of the best? Our machine intelligence, social media, and editors can get us close. But we want that extra special touch that comes from beloved reader feedback.

You can represent these 80,000 readers. Cast your vote and let us know what you like to see!

Judging Criteria

We're judging posts that we see to provide the highest value to industry professionals. Does your article include useful and actionable information? Is it tactical or strategic? Does it provide short- or long-term value? Those are the types of questions our judges will be asking themselves.


Submitting content for consideration

To nominate an article, please email a link of it to Eve Lyons-Berg with "2018 Business Innovation Brief MVP nomination: (category)" as the subject line. Articles must have been published between October 1st, 2017 and October 1st, 2018 to be eligible.

Nominations are open until October 26th. After that, our panel of judges will review the nominations and narrow them down to a list of finalists for each category.


Finalists will be announced on November 14th. Once finalists are announced, we will open up voting to our readers. Voting ends on November 27th. Winners will be announced December 3rd.

Program Committee

Meet our expert panel of judges!

Shay Namdarian

GM of Customer Strategy, Collective Campus

Shay is GM of Customer Strategy at Collective Campus. Collective Campus helps companies adopt the mindset, methods and tools to successfully explore new business models and disruptive innovation in an era of rapid change and growing uncertainty. Shay has over 10 years of experience working across a wide range of projects focusing on innovation. customer experience and design thinking. He has gained his experience across several consulting firms including Ernst & Young, Capgemini and Accenture. Shay also has a strong interest in entrepreneurship and has launched several startups of his own.

Braden Kelley

Author, Speaker, and Workshop Facilitator

Braden Kelley is a popular innovation speaker and builds sustainable innovation cultures and tools for creating successful change. He is the author of the five-star book Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire and the creator of a revolutionary new Change Planning Toolkit™. Follow him on Twitter (@innovate) and LinkedIn.

Janet Sernack

Founder and Chief Katalyst, ImagineNation

Janet is the founder and Chief Katalyst of ImagineNation™ which provides innovation coaching, education and culture consulting to help businesses open up people to their innovation potential and achieve their innovation goals. She is an ICF ACC certified executive coach, an Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Leadership & Management, a NLP certified presenter, trainer, facilitator and executive coach and has tertiary qualifications in Marketing, Adult Learning and Workplace Assessment and Training. She aims to lead the way in helping businesses achieve their innovation goals by challenging them to be, think and act differently to co-create a world where people matter and innovation is the norm.

Tamara Kleinberg

President, LaunchStreet

Tamara is an innovation thought leader and the president of LaunchStreet, helping leading companies unlock their innovation advantage. She is the host of the popular Inside LaunchStreet podcast, creator of the proprietary IQE, the only assessment that helps you discover how you naturally innovate. She is a sought after keynote speaker, Crossfit addict, and knee high sock lover.

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