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Everything you need to know about innovation management software


It just means that organizations have moved away from suggestions boxes in the office reception to sophisticated digital platforms to capture ideas from employees, customers, prospects, partners, suppliers, or other relevant parties. These ideas are assessed on previously defined criteria and then the best ones are selected for execution.

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Innovation management software: Everything you need to know


It just means that organizations have moved away from suggestions boxes in the office reception to sophisticated digital platforms to capture ideas from employees, customers, prospects, partners, suppliers, or other relevant parties. These ideas are assessed on previously defined criteria and then the best ones are selected for execution.

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Game Changers: How Citizen Science and Gamification Are Transforming the Business World


They also want to glean potentially groundbreaking ideas from external thinkers, but don’t want to open their innovation workshops to unreliable or mavericks whose ideas could prove disastrous. Open innovation can be used to crowd-source trending ideas, as well as keep up to date with incremental product innovations.