Sat.Jul 27, 2019

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The World is About to Get Smaller

Braden Kelley

As many of you may already know, recently I joined Oracle to help build a new innovation and digital transformation offering that leverages design thinking and other tools to engage prospective North American customers of Oracle in human-centered problem-solving focused … Continue reading →

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What IS Innovation, Anyway?

Idea Champions

If you google "definitions of innovation," guess how many references you will get? 177,000,000! That's a whole lot of attempts at defining something most of us want, but can't quite agree on what it actually is. Obviously, there IS no single definition. Like reality, it all depends on the person and their point of view. Still, it's useful coming to terms with what you think it is -- especially if you are about to enter into some kind of "innovation sparking process" with others.