December, 2023

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How to Start Your Innovation Journey: 5 Strategies for Success


Innovation is the key to staying ahead of the competition, creating new value, and solving the world’s biggest challenges. But how can you start your innovation journey and ensure success? In this blog post, I will share with you five strategies that can help you unleash your creative potential and achieve your innovation goals. 1. [.

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Discover your unique innovator’s Sensory Profile.

Paul Hobcraft

I had a most enjoyable and rewarding conversation last week on Innovation and Ecosystem design. It was partly through this conversation with Margot Nijkamp-Diesfeld and Rick Wielens of the Eco System Thinking Institute (ESTI), based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, that we got into the subject of creating different workshop concepts to stimulate those attending and draw out their greater awareness.

ChatGPT 182

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Change Can Come From Anywhere

Digital Tonto

Discussions about change tend to gravitate to one of two poles: Either change has to come from the top or it has to be grass roots. As I explain in Cascades, transformation isn’t top-down or bottom-up, but happens from side-to-side. You can find the entire spectrum—from active support to active resistance—at every level. The answer doesn’t lie in any specific strategy or initiative, but in how people are able to internalize the need for change and transfer ideas through social bonds.

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Procrastination can (sometimes) make you more creative

Idea to Value

Are you the sort of person who procrastinates? Who always seems to put off starting work on something and is easily distracted? While this procrastination may be a significant problem for being productive, and the resulting time pressure can be bad for creativity , there may be some instances when it can be beneficial. According to new research from Shin and Grant (2021) , a moderate degree of procrastination may actually be beneficial for your creativity.

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The AI Superhero Approach to Product Management

Speaker: Conrado Morlan

In this engaging and witty talk, we’ll explore how artificial intelligence can transform the daily tasks of product managers into streamlined, efficient processes. Using the lens of a superhero narrative, we’ll uncover how AI can be the ultimate sidekick, aiding in decision-making, enhancing productivity, and boosting innovation. Attendees will leave with practical tools and actionable insights, motivated to embrace AI and leverage its potential in their work. 🦸 🏢 Key objectives:

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How Innovation Can Benefit From Artificial Intelligence?

HYPE Innovation

The launch of ChatGPT, Midjourney, and DALL-E has put artificial intelligence (AI) firmly in the spotlight. Yet AI is nothing new, and these applications are just the tip of the iceberg. AI has been present in our daily lives for many years, with social media algorithms, chatbots, and the Waze application just a few examples.

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You Need More Than Data to Understand Your Customers

Harvard Business Review

Today we have more data than ever before, yet marketers still struggle to understand their customers. That’s because today’s marketers have mistaken information for intimacy. The author, who ran strategy for Wieden+Kennedy, describes an ethnographic research campaign his team conducted on behalf of McDonald’s. They produced a cultural bible of sorts that chronicled a series of beliefs, artifacts, behavioral rituals, and language that constitute the McDonald’s fandom.

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Closing out the year by transforming into innovation ecosystems

Paul Hobcraft

As we close out the year, I have been looking back and recognizing the transformation concept for innovation, which has been central to my work and, more importantly, moving forward in where I go in my innovating focus in 2024. Here is the story as I look back at 2023 …… Once upon a time, in a world driven by innovation, there was a transformative concept known as the Integrated Framework for Innovation Ecosystems.

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You Need To Be Skeptical Of Advice From Business Pundits And Gurus. Here’s Why:

Digital Tonto

When I lived in Poland, a common aphorism advised that “life is cruel, and full of traps.” From an American perspective, the aphorism can be a bit of a culture shock. We tend to believe in the power of positivity, the American dream and the can-do spirit. Negativity can be seen as something worse than a weakness, both an indulgence and a privation at the same time.

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This new recycled packing material could replace bubble wrap

Idea to Value

Sometimes, an innovation comes around that is so simple, it makes you think “ why didn’t I think of that?” I just came across another such example from renowned innovation powerhouse 3M. They have found a way to use a principle of origami to create sheets of cardboard which fold themselves into packing material when stretched. Check out this video to find out how it works.

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What’s the Right Balance Between Open Innovation and Internal Innovation?

HYPE Innovation

Innovation, as defined in the OECD's Oslo Manual (2018), is the introduction of a new or significantly improved product, process, marketing method, or organizational practice within business operations, reflecting the evolving landscape of modern workplaces.

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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8 Essential Qualities of Successful Leaders

Harvard Business Review

Becoming a great leader is a journey of continuous learning and growth. It’s a process — one that thrives on embracing challenges, seeking feedback, fostering connections, and cultivating understanding. In this article, the author outlines the eight most essential leadership qualities, according to Harvard Business School professor Linda Hill, one of the world’s top experts on leadership.

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5 Powerful Idea Generating Technique: Unlock Creative Genius


As a creative professional, you know how challenging it can be to come up with fresh and innovative ideas on a regular basis. Whether you're a writer, designer, marketer, or entrepreneur, idea generation is a crucial part of your job. However, sometimes, you might find yourself stuck in a creative rut, struggling to come up [.

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Innovators need to heighten sensory intelligence and cognitive abilities.

Paul Hobcraft

Understanding the sensory and cognitive abilities of innovators Following on from my first post on building an Innovator’s Sensory profile, the combination of various cognitive, emotional and environmental factors heightens our awareness, so I needed to explore this further in this post. I wanted to build out some thinking based on the question, “Can we unlock the innovator’s potential through understanding their sensory and cognitive abilities?

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Top Posts Of 2023

Digital Tonto

My friend Stephen Shapiro does not like New Year’s Resolutions. “According to our study, only 8% of Americans say they always achieve their New Year’s resolutions,” he writes. “The way it seems to work now, setting a New Year’s Resolution is a recipe for defeat. It has come to be one of the nation’s most […] The post Top Posts Of 2023 first appeared on Digital Tonto.

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How to Easily Navigate Crypto Accounting in the Web3 Era

Speaker: Aaron Jacob, VP of Accounting Solutions & Reagan Cook, GTM Lead

Are you struggling to navigate the complexities and challenges that come with crypto accounting? 🤔 This new webinar will cover everything businesses need to know to get started with crypto accounting after incorporating crypto into their business models! Industry experts Aaron Jacob and Reagan Cook of TaxBit will thoroughly explore the prevalent operational hurdles encountered by accounting teams when interacting with crypto on the books, and detail how software solutions can effectively

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You do not need to be completely original in order to be creative

Idea to Value

Does something need to be completely original in order to be creative ? How can you prove if something is original or not? After all, if something which I produce is not original, is it not just a waste of time putting in time and effort creating it? This is a challenge which can petrify many people, and prevent them from trying to produce anything creative.

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Unlocking Customer Experience Innovation: A Step-by-Step Approach

HYPE Innovation

Customer experience has become a major differentiator for large companies. In a McKinsey survey of senior executives, 90% of respondents saw customer experience as one of the CEO’s top three priorities.

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How to Get the Honest Input You Need from Your Employees

Harvard Business Review

Leaders often struggle to get complete, unfiltered information from the people around them. This wealth of unspoken information represents a great untapped resource for today’s leaders, and yet most remain at a loss for how to reliably access it. Common tactics for overcoming this problem, such as taking another’s perspective or reading their body language, simply aren’t sufficient.

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Elevate Innovation: Assessing Maturity with IdeaScale’s Quiz


In the dynamic landscape of business, embracing innovation is more than a trend; it's a strategic imperative for organizations seeking growth and investment opportunities. IdeaScale, a trailblazer in idea and innovation management software introduces an insightful quiz – "How Mature is your Innovation Program?" This innovative survey, drawing from the extensive collaboration with 4.5 million [.

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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Embracing the power of dynamic ecosystems.

Paul Hobcraft

Innovation’s power lies in the ability to adapt, evolve, and collaborate, and our need is to make this as much of a dynamic ecosystem as possible to tackle the growing complexity and challenges we are facing today and in the future. In recent weeks, I have been deepening my thinking on innovation ecosystems and the dynamics within these that can make them different by giving them this “dynamic focus.” So, it is time to embrace the power of dynamic ecosystems – where innovation

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The 2023 Digital Tonto Reading List 2023

Digital Tonto

I mark time through books because books define the zeitgeist. They reflect not only the wisdoms being received, but the questions being asked. We go to books not only for answers, but to sharpen our own inquiry. Last year’s list featured books about Ukraine (and this year’s list includes a great one too). So perhaps […] The post The 2023 Digital Tonto Reading List 2023 first appeared on Digital Tonto.

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Good News Ahead


We know our brains are wired to pay attention to bad news. But lately do you feel that your social media is just filled with negativity? Do you find yourself getting angry and upset as you scroll through your news feeds? Are you turning off the news? Well you're not alone. According to the Digital News Report Australia 2023 high interest in news has fallen to 53%.

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Are microschools the future of education?

Christensen Institute

Microschools have become a hot topic over the last few years. Their big appeal is that they promise to do a better job catering to students’ and families’ individual needs and interests. But right now, they only serve about 2% to 4% of US students. So, could microschools eventually become the new normal in schooling? Well, let’s see what innovation theory has to say about this question.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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Our Favorite Management Tips of 2023

Harvard Business Review

Our Management Tip of the Day newsletter continues to be one of HBR’s most popular newsletters. In this article, we list 10 of our favorites from 2023 — covering topics like how to get your mojo back if you’re feeling disengaged at work, questions to ask your boss in your next check-in, talking to your team about using AI, giving hard feedback, speaking with confidence when you’re put on the spot — and more.

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Discovering Your Innovation Persona with IdeaScale’s Quiz: Unleash Your Creativity


In the fast-paced world of innovation, understanding and embracing your unique innovation style can be a game-changer. IdeaScale, a leading SAAS company offers an engaging and insightful quiz titled "What is your Innovation Persona?" Through a series of thought-provoking questions, this quiz promises to unveil your innovation style by drawing parallels with famous innovators.

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The 'Easy' Side Hustle He Started in College Hit More Than $1 Million in Revenue — and Taught Him 3 Business Lessons He Still Uses Today

Entrepreneur - Innovation

Michael Seaman started a hugely successful Etsy side hustle. Now he's the co-founder and CEO of payment processing firm Swipesum. Read more about his journey.

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We Need To Stop Glorifying Failure

Innovation Excellence

Here’s What To Do Instead GUEST POST from Greg Satell Over 50% of startups fail (and that number goes up to 75% for venture backed startups). The same is true of about three quarters of corporate transformations, which is probably why the average lifespan on the S&P 500 continues to shrink.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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How to validate strategic alignment of your product ideas


Innovation is something every business should be doing. It shouldn’t be done, though, without a valid why. It’s not just about coming up with great ideas. It’s about coming up with great ideas that support your wider business and product strategies and help to drive genuine growth. Without this strategic alignment, you could well find that you invest time, money and resources is a “nice to have”, when they could be invested in something else that will drive your business forward.

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How will you measure your life in 2024? How business theory can unexpectedly shape a personally fulfilling new year

Christensen Institute

It’s that time of the year when I think about one of my favorite of Professor Christensen’s books, How Will You Measure Your Life? , a book that imparts how business management theories can help us succeed not just in our entrepreneurial endeavors, but also in our everyday lives. A theory is an understanding of causality, of what causes what, and why.

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3 Traps to Avoid When Executing Your Strategy

Harvard Business Review

When executing strategy, companies typically fall into one or more of three traps: 1) They let too many people weigh in; 2)They plan a lot of activity but do not specify concrete actions; and 3) They tend not to build in accountability into execution. The result is that. lot a good strategies never take off. This article offers pointers on how to avoid the three traps.

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10 Proven Ways to Foster a Culture of Innovation and Drive Your Business to the Top


In today's fast-paced business world, foster a culture of innovation is crucial for staying ahead of the competition. By encouraging new ideas, creative thinking, and experimentation, companies can continuously improve their products and services, streamline processes, and stay relevant in an ever-changing market. Ten proven ways: Foster a culture of innovation 1.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!