October, 2022

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Scientific Management, Taylorism and how employees are prevented from innovating

Idea to Value

The Harvard Business Review’s Podcast “ HBR Ideacast ” has recently started a series on four business ideas which changed the world. I already told you about their excellent episode on Disruptive Innovation. Today I want to highlight another great episode on a topic I learned a lot more about: Taylorism. What is Taylorism? In 1878, a machinist at a Pennsylvania steelworks noticed that his crew was producing much less steel than he thought they could.

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Why do we need to change our thinking about innovation?

Paul Hobcraft

The Innovation Ecosystem Cascading Effect. I have been arguing in recent posts about the need to change the way we approach innovation. We need to think about designs around innovation ecosystems. In a series that builds the argument so far I have provided the basic context within this post” Please, we need a different innovation narrative ” followed by “ Building out our innovation ecosystem in design and thinking.” My personal energy is drawn from all the challenges we

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7 Traits of High-Performing and Innovative Teams


While being able to do it all is often touted as a badge of honor, high-performing teams are the “secret sauce” behind brands including Apple, Disney, Amazon, and Google. When you build a team with specialized but complementary skill sets and create an environment that fosters innovation—the sky’s the limit. But what sets high-performing and [.].

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Innovative Start-Ups Founded by Women

Destination Innovation

Nadine Hachach-Haram. We need more women entrepreneurs. A report by the Kaufmann Foundation found that only 3% of technology start-ups are led by women. Most of the high-profile role models for start-ups are men – Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs are household names. How many women role models in business can you name? Here are some inspiring women entrepreneurs and the companies they have started.

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The AI Superhero Approach to Product Management

Speaker: Conrado Morlan

In this engaging and witty talk, we’ll explore how artificial intelligence can transform the daily tasks of product managers into streamlined, efficient processes. Using the lens of a superhero narrative, we’ll uncover how AI can be the ultimate sidekick, aiding in decision-making, enhancing productivity, and boosting innovation. Attendees will leave with practical tools and actionable insights, motivated to embrace AI and leverage its potential in their work. 🦸 🏢 Key objectives:

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Quiet Quitting Isn’t the Problem. Your Business Strategy May Be.


When it comes to “quiet quitting,” the bigger issue may be a lack of purpose and meaning in your company and culture. The term “quiet quitting” recently exploded on social media and in business circles. It describes an approach to work that has you doing the very barest minimum to meet your responsibilities. You don’t go above and beyond what’s needed.

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Why Unlearning Is At Least As Important As Learning

Digital Tonto

When I first went overseas to Poland in 1997, I thought I knew how the media business worked. I had some experience selling national radio time in New York and thought I could teach the Poles who, after 50 years of communism, hadn’t had much opportunity to learn how a modern ad market functioned. I was soon disappointed. Whenever I would explain a simple principle, they would ask me, “why?

Learning 214

More Trending

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Scaling New Heights – Building Resilience

Innovation Excellence

GUEST POST from Teresa Spangler “I just love it when people say I can’t do it, there’s nothing that makes me feel better, because all my life, people have said that I wasn’t going to make it.” -Ted Turner Resilience is what allows us to scale new heights. It is the strength that comes from […].

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What is Reverse Innovation, and Is It For You?


When you think of innovation, you probably think of high-income countries that have both the technology and the financial means to make innovation happen. It’s rare that we associate low-income countries with innovation as these countries are mostly regarded as sole beneficiaries of innovations deployed by developed countries. Many companies are reluctant to invest in developing countries, and those that decide to enter these new territories, have a low rate of success.

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The pandemic has changed our personalities

Idea to Value

If you have felt like being locked inside during the last 2+ years of the pandemic has made you less creative, you might just be right. New research from September 2022 has looked at how the Big 5 Personality traits of more than 7,109 people in the USA have changed over time, comparing their results before the pandemic to 2022. Just as a reminder, the Big 5 Personality traits are the most commonly used ways to assess people’s personality which are used by scientists, and include: Openness

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Who are open innovation managers and what do they do?

HYPE Innovation

Typically, innovation managers are researchers, strategists, evangelists, or pioneers who venture on to become change agents, leaders, organizational designers, coaches, and ultimately fill the seats of process owners, decision makers, and project managers.

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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This One Simple Scientific Principle Explains Why You Shouldn’t Waste Too Much Time Trying To Convince People

Digital Tonto

We like to think we can shape the ideas of others. It can sometimes seem like a puzzle. How can we conjure up the right combination of value proposition, analysis, emotive argument and social proof, to persuade our target? There is, in fact, an enormous communication industry dedicated to exactly that proposition. Decades of scientific research suggests that it’s not so easy.

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Barriers to innovation, the cause and effect.

Paul Hobcraft

Seeing the barriers, the causes and effects. I am on a personal mission to convince innovation software providers, corporations and innovators to change how they undertake innovation. In some recent posts, I argued that we need to adopt a broader innovation ecosystem thinking and design. I stated in one recent post , “ We must promote more dynamic environments and the constant desire that organizations and their people have to be fit for innovating purposes, adaptive and fluid in such high

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The External Innovation Partners You Need Most


Partnering with third-party subject-matter experts delivers a variety of benefits. The type of partners that will benefit your organization will vary greatly depending on factors such as your industry, tenure, objectives, and budget. Even with an empowered, skill-diverse, and enthusiastic team, partnering with external experts gives you a competitive edge.

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Africa’s best chance to fix its healthcare infrastructure is here

Christensen Institute

On September 26, the inaugural cohort of the Investing in Innovation (i3) program was announced (I serve on the steering committee). This group of 30 healthcare innovators –and others like them–gives Africa the best and, possibly, only chance to improve its healthcare infrastructure. If the i3 program, and others like it, succeed, African healthcare will improve.

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How to Easily Navigate Crypto Accounting in the Web3 Era

Speaker: Aaron Jacob, VP of Accounting Solutions & Reagan Cook, GTM Lead

Are you struggling to navigate the complexities and challenges that come with crypto accounting? 🤔 This new webinar will cover everything businesses need to know to get started with crypto accounting after incorporating crypto into their business models! Industry experts Aaron Jacob and Reagan Cook of TaxBit will thoroughly explore the prevalent operational hurdles encountered by accounting teams when interacting with crypto on the books, and detail how software solutions can effectively

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“Art is never finished, only abandoned.”

Idea to Value

“Art is never finished, only abandoned.” A few weeks ago, I came across a fantastic quote on creativity in an interview Todd Henry ‘s podcast and Joey Cofone. They were talking about when to know whether something you are working on is “finished” and ready to be released, and Joey came out with this quote attributed to the famous Leonardo Da Vinci: “Art is never finished, only abandoned.” While this quote initially may seem depressing, suggesting that we

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An introduction to Henry Chesbrough and open innovation

HYPE Innovation

I’ve caught up on some essential reading this weekend to be able to offer you a selection of the most inspiring thought pieces and research by world-renowned scholar and management thinker, Professor Henry Chesbrough.

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3 Strategies To Overcome Resistance To Change

Digital Tonto

One of the biggest misconceptions about change is that it is an exercise in persuasion. Yet anyone who has ever been married or had kids knows how hard it can be to convince even a single person of something they don’t want to be convinced about. Seeking to persuade hundreds or thousands to change what they think or how they act is a tall order indeed.

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The Power of Work Friends

Harvard Business Review

Data shows that having a best friend at work is strongly linked to business outcomes, profitability, safety, inventory control, and employee retention.

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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Is Micromanagement Why Your Innovation Program is Failing?


“It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do." ? Steve Jobs. Micromanagement can have devastating consequences for both employees and organizations. Unfortunately, many leaders adopt micromanagement, believing it will optimize and accelerate results. Even if [.].

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Data Innovation in Manufacturing Requires Integration

Tullio Siragusa

Data Innovation in Manufacturing Requires Integration. Manufacturing industries deal in creating or producing goods with various machines, technological tools, labor, and equipment. Technology that helps in connecting with suppliers for materials and managing product data with a digital platform makes the process faster, and more efficient. Engineering and manufacturing are complex fields where there is an intersection of people and technologies.

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The surprising downsides to being an Overachiever at work

Idea to Value

If you want something done, give it to a busy person. I remember this quote from my childhood, and it is meant to show that people who work the hardest are likely to be the ones who are best able to complete additional hard tasks. Since then, there has been an explosion of the productivity culture , where people often work incredibly long hours to show how busy they are and to achieve as much as possible.

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Overcoming the most common open innovation challenges

HYPE Innovation

Implementing open innovation in your business is not an easy task. It might be straightforward, but it is not easy.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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3 Ancient Wisdoms We Needed To Leave Behind To Create The Modern World

Digital Tonto

If you were a person of sophistication and education in the 19th century, your world view was based on certain axiomatic truths, such as parallel lines never cross, logical propositions are either true or false and "bad airs" made people sick. For the most part, these ideas would have served you well for the challenges you faced in daily life. Even more importantly, your understanding of these concepts would signal your inclusion and acceptance into a particular tribe, which would confer prestig

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The USAID’s Africa Localization Initiative may have unintended consequences

Christensen Institute

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) recently announced the Africa Localization Initiative, designed “to direct more funding to local organizations based in sub-Saharan Africa.” The first goal of the initiative is to direct up to 25% of the agency’s funding to local organizations. The second is that local communities will be responsible for designing, implementing, and evaluating programs.

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Utilizing Coaches for Leadership Development and Innovation


One of the many things that Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Barak Obama have in common is that they all utilize coaches. The higher you rise in your career, the less likely you have people who challenge you to level up. Even if you or your organization have reached the pinnacle of [.].

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People-Centric Technology Empowers Communities

Tullio Siragusa

People-Centric Technology Empowers Communities. Software in modern times has not only enabled better functions for businesses but also become a great equalizer for communities. The democratization of technology gives better access to the product and services to the masses for the betterment of the community. Technology has greatly evolved over the years.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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The ladder of “No”

Idea to Value

As companies grow, it is inevitable that more hierarchies will be created. This is because after a certain size, it is essentially impossible to keep track of the relationships between everyone and what everyone is working on. Contrary to popular belief, hierarchy is not always a negative. In fact, as Start-ups grow, they will eventually need to develop layers of management to stay productive and efficient.

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What are the most common foresight biases and how can you avoid them?

HYPE Innovation

Foresight is all about paying attention to certain insights, signals, and trends. It also means disregarding or prioritizing some sources of data over others, correctly interpreting information to reach conclusions, and using all that data to make decisions about the future.

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Strategy Without Purpose Will Always Fail

Digital Tonto

We usually think of strategy as a rational, analytic activity, with teams of MBA’s poring over spreadsheets or generals standing before maps. Yet if we fail to take into account human agency and dignity, we’re missing the boat. Strategy without purpose is doomed to fail in the end, however clever the calculations, because eventually the real world will intrude.

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Tech Companies Innovate at the Edge. Legacy Companies Can Too.

Harvard Business Review

New tools make it easier to empower small-scale innovation among the employees who work most closely with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!