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The value of applying the Three Horizons to Partner Ecosystem thinking.

Paul Hobcraft

Building Partner Ecosystems Progressively through Three Horizon Thinking There is a need to resolve immediate, mid-term, and long-term issues to show progressive thinking on how to grow collaboratively, impact, and value when building your thinking in products, services, or new business models. Partner ecosystems are highly valuable for delivering on these ambitions.

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Why Do Pundits Work So Hard To Deny These 3 Things About Human Nature?

Digital Tonto

In "Homo Deus," author Yuval Noah Harari asserted that “organisms are algorithms.” Much like vending machines are programmed to respond to buttons, Harari argues that humans and other animals are programmed by genetics and evolution to respond to “sensations, emotions and thoughts.” When those particular buttons are pushed, we respond, much like a vending machine does.

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How would YOU improve chess?

Idea to Value

Imagine this. You work for a board game manufacturer, and you have been asked to improve the sales of your chess games. They have been slowly falling over the past few years and your boss has asked you to come up with innovative solutions to make it more appealing and increase sales. How would you approach this innovation challenge? A lot of people might begin thinking that innovation means finding ways to “improve” the product.

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Is AI Selfish?

Digital Tonto

When evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins claimed that genes are selfish, he didn’t mean that he thought they are cognisant, with a will of their own. Rather, that genes act as if they are selfish, working to replicate themselves in the most efficient way, regardless of what that entails for the organism that carries them. In other words, the phrase "survival of the fittest" applies to our genes, not to us.

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How to Easily Navigate Crypto Accounting in the Web3 Era

Speaker: Aaron Jacob, VP of Accounting Solutions & Reagan Cook, GTM Lead

Are you struggling to navigate the complexities and challenges that come with crypto accounting? 🤔 This new webinar will cover everything businesses need to know to get started with crypto accounting after incorporating crypto into their business models! Industry experts Aaron Jacob and Reagan Cook of TaxBit will thoroughly explore the prevalent operational hurdles encountered by accounting teams when interacting with crypto on the books, and detail how software solutions can effectively

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Experts can often be Sceptics and Wrong

Destination Innovation

There are several notable historical examples where a large number of scientists opposed an idea that later turned out to be true. Here are some instances: The Theory of Special Relativity was put forward by Albert Einstein in 1905. It contained revolutionary ideas about light, energy and space-time. Many scientists rejected Einstein’s work for decades.

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What’s the Purpose?


Purpose. Goal. Mission. You hear these words a lot this time of year. Not because it’s the start of the annual business planning cycle but because it’s graduation season.

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Think Outside Which Box?

Innovation Excellence

GUEST POST from Howard Tiersky We’ve all said it. We need to think “outside the box.” But what is this box-like barrier that would otherwise constrain our thinking, and how do we move beyond it?

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This Is One Big Reason Why So Much Business Thinking Is Crap

Digital Tonto

Management fads tend to come from people who did well in school. Many of these are business school professors and consultants, who've never operated a business. They are often people who’ve never failed, been told that they’re smart all their lives and expect others to be impressed by their ideas, not to examine them thoroughly. They tend come up with their ideas by talking to other smart, successful people about their experiences.

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How a Lean Transformation and Framework Facilitate Innovative Business Strategies


In an era where efficiency and agility are paramount, Lean business transformation has emerged as a pivotal strategy for organizations aiming to streamline operations and enhance value creation. By adopting Lean principles, companies can significantly reduce costs, improve quality, and accelerate time-to-market. In today's dynamic business environment, the Lean method is prized for its adaptability across various industries, from manufacturing to services, and its ability to ensure that business

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All About UC San Diego’s In-House AI Assistant, Triton GPT


In the fast-paced world of academia, efficiency and innovation are key. That’s where TritonGPT comes in. Developed by UC San Diego and housed within the San Diego Supercomputer Center, TritonGPT is an in-house AI-powered assistant tailored specifically for administrative tasks.

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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How to Get Your Team to Actually Speak Up

Harvard Business Review

There is a common leadership misconception that merely encouraging team members to voice their opinions will foster an environment of openness. But people won’t speak up unless they feel safe doing so. As a leader, this means you have to address the underlying reasons for employee reticence, including the individual and systemic barriers to speaking up.

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Managers Make the Difference

Innovation Excellence

Four Common Mistakes Managers Make GUEST POST from David Burkus Senior leaders set strategy. But middle managers and front-line managers make the difference in whether that strategy gets executed…and in whether or not people are engaged and motivated in an organization.

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Operational Excellence Examples for Business Growth


Operational excellence is the continuous pursuit of improvement in an organization's processes and systems to achieve efficiency, effectiveness, and agility. It involves streamlining operations, reducing waste, optimizing resources, and enhancing productivity to deliver high-quality products or services at lower costs and faster speeds. The impact of operational excellence on business growth is profound.

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How to Create Value from Nothing


Doing nothing fuels creativity and innovation, but that fuel is wasted if you don’t put it to use. Idleness clears the mind, allowing fresh ideas to emerge, but those ideas must be acted upon to create value. Why is doing something with that fuel so difficult? Don’t blame the status quo.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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How AI Can Make Make Us Better Leaders

Harvard Business Review

Humans are good at inventing tools, but not as good at adapting to the change these tools can cause. While there has been much focus on the technical impacts and potential dark side of AI, the authors’ research has shown that AI can enhance and empower leadership, actually helping make leaders more human. To do this, we need to invest just as much in the development of our human potential as we do in harnessing the power of AI.

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Playing Both Sides of the Equation

Innovation Excellence

GUEST POST from Mike Shipulski If you want new behavior, you must embrace conflict. If you can’t tolerate the conflict, you’ll do what you did last time. If your point of view angers half and empowers everyone else, you made a difference. If your point of view meets with 100% agreement, you wasted everyone’s time.

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Innovating Around What’s Pivotal with Stephen Shapiro


Stephen Shapiro started his innovation work over 25 years ago while founding and leading Accenture’s 20,000-person process and innovation practice. Since then, he has written seven books on innovation, including Best Practices Are Stupid , named the best innovation and creativity book of 2011 by Porchlight, and an international business bestseller. In this conversation, Colin and Stephen talk about Stephen’s early experiences of working in the innovation field with Accenture, and how he came up

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The Business Success Impact of Digital Transformation | KaiNexus


The digital business model transformation is a profound shift in how businesses operate, driven by integrating digital technologies across all aspects of an organization. This process fundamentally changes traditional business models of how companies deliver value to their customers, engage with stakeholders, and conduct internal operations. The transformation includes various technological advancements, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, the Internet of Things

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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Conversation Mapping


This post is about a meeting method variously referred to as conversation mapping, dialogue mapping, or argument mapping and a software tool that supports it. Conversation mapping is the outgrowth of Issue-Based Information Systems (IBIS), an idea first proposed in 1970 by Horst Rittel, an urban planner and designer.

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Leaders Need to Reframe the Return-to-Office Conversation

Harvard Business Review

There is no easy solution for companies trying to craft policies that balance in-office and flexible working, as there are undeniable benefits to both approaches. But much of the recent messaging from company leaders demanding that employees return to the office has felt tone-deaf at best and dictatorial at worst. To be successful, companies need to engage in dialogue with employees and be explicit and honest about which outcomes are most critical.

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Intuitive Skill, Center of Emphasis, and Mutual Trust

Innovation Excellence

GUEST POST from Mike Shipulski Mutual Trust. Who do you trust implicitly? And of that shortlist, who trusts you implicitly? You know how they’ll respond. You know what decision they’ll make. And you don’t have to keep tabs on them and you don’t have to manage them.

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The Canvas Revolution

Bill Fischer

Much of leadership's legacy concerns having the answers for decison-making. Canvases suggest good questions, and a design-attitude, can change how we approach leading.

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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Breaking Down Different Types of Business Transformation Strategy -- and Why It Should Matter to You


In the increasingly complex and rapidly evolving world in which we operate, business transformation has become crucial for organizations striving to stay competitive and relevant. Business transformation refers to the fundamental and profound changes an organization undergoes to adapt to new market conditions, technological advancements, or shifts in consumer behavior.

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You asked, We Answered: Questions on Innovation


Drop in on the Q&A portion of a recent innovation conference, sponsored by my colleagues at Visagio. I gave the keynote speech about Seeing Around Corners and the criticality of innovation. Here is an excerpt from the Q&A. Image via Pxhere What are the risks and benefits of completely changing a business model?

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3 Ways to Compassionately Hold Your Team Accountable

Harvard Business Review

Why are some teams more successful than others when it comes to meeting deadlines, hitting targets, and growing revenues? Researchers at the NeuroLeadership Institute looked at the cognitive processes associated with leaders who cultivate accountability on their teams. They identified three distinct habits practiced by these leaders: They think ahead, obsess about commitments, and anchor on solutions.

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Innovation the Amazon Way

Innovation Excellence

GUEST POST from Greg Satell In 2014, Stephenie Landry was finishing up her one-year stint as Technical Advisor to Jeff Wilke, who oversees Amazon’s worldwide consumer business, which is a mentor program that allows high potential executives to shadow a senior leader and learn first-hand. Her next assignment would define her career.

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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Elevate Your PMO: How Looking to the Future Drives Value Today


Succeeding in today’s fast-paced world requires thinking about success beyond today and tomorrow. It requires envisioning and forging a path of sustainable success over multiple business cycles. At the heart of this endeavor lies the project management office (PMO). A well-run PMO is one of your organization’s greatest value drivers. It delivers business results quickly through projects and work that addresses various business needs and responds to new market and customer demands.

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28 Metrics for CEOs to Measure Transformation Success


In today's hyper-connected world, where digital innovation accelerates at a breakneck pace, transformation has become imperative for businesses aiming to stay competitive. However, embarking on this journey without a clear understanding of progress can lead to uncertainty and missed opportunities.

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Nationwide Survey Reveals State Government User Satisfaction


State governments, in the contemporary digital landscape, aim to furnish citizens with services that are efficient and user-friendly. But how satisfied are people with the services they receive? A recent survey conducted by Qualtrics in collaboration with Code for America sheds light on this question. Spanning over 14,000 participants from every state in the U.S.

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GenAI Is Leveling the Playing Field for Smaller Businesses

Harvard Business Review

Typically, small to medium enterprises (SMEs) don’t have the resources to hunker down at an annual strategy retreat or to stop everything they’re doing to respond to unexpected emergencies or events that threaten the bottom line. This puts them at a disadvantage compared to their larger competitors. This article shows how AI is proving to be a transformative force for small and medium enterprises.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.