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Why We Should Give More


The wealth of stock market gains for the few against the lost jobs and bankrupt businesses of many is almost violently unfair. They are all mixes of this and that, some weighing more heavily in one direction or another, but always open to reversion by market forces. Unfairness is not solvable. There are no pure forms of economy.

Marketing 104
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Be In The Room


I suppose in an employment market where talent has unlimited options, the benefit of working remotely might be a trading card that management can offer to attract team members. Even then, when I see software engineers in a room with marketing and finance professionals, I often see exponential progress in shorter windows of time.


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A Letter Regarding Financial Faith


Intelligently borrowed capital brings to market hopeful new companies and bolsters the expansion of existing businesses. If we lose faith in our banking system, the notion of ongoing growth and innovation at scale seems to go out the window. The economic miracle we have created together freezes solid and then melts into the ordinary.

System 101
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Moments of Clarity


Maybe if people like me sit out the NFT market, the price will be lower for others who see value here. I don’t care if a company has sextupled in current market value because “everyone” is buying it. I want to buy it at fair market value where I understand the valuation. Consider it our invisible gift to you.

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The Uplifting Wisdom of Fred Smith


Early market studies confirmed Smith’s thesis that there was an enormous opportunity for an integrated global delivery network that would be realized by harnessing the power of transportation machinery and sophisticated data systems. The company began regular operations in 1973 and just celebrated its fiftieth anniversary.

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What’s Eating Brother Elon?


There is no question that Tesla has been an inspired market leader, but all it takes is one visit to the showrooms of other luxury car companies and you start to see that high-end electric cars are on a fast path to becoming commodities under many brands. Most Tesla owners are evangelists for the company and fiercely loyal to the brand.

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The Many Lessons of Andy Grove


He was Intel’s CEO from 1987 to 1998, the famous “ Intel Inside ” years when personal computing exploded from the hobby to the consumer market. Beware the Strategic Inflection Point – By the time a market has fully morphed at scale, it’s way too late to react. Those were Intel-inspired moments.